Monday, October 7, 2019

Laddie's Birth Story

      September 26th started out as just another "waiting day". My mom had arrived the night before and we started the morning feeding the kids breakfast and catching up. I made a smoothie for mom and myself. Once we finally got the kids dressed and ready to go somewhere it was nearly noon. I drove down the main street, showing my mom how to get anywhere she may need to go in the next week and then we took the kids to Remember the Maine Park. We enjoyed a small "hike" with the kids and then sat in the grass eating snacks and then let the kids play on the playground for a few minutes. 
      Once home we plopped Soren in bed for a nap and I made myself a chicken salad sandwich so that I could hurry and still squeeze in an afternoon nap. I like to get Soren up by 3 from his nap. 
I had really been trying to take naps in hopes that if I went into labor I either wouldn't be too tired to labor in the night or in hopes that relaxing in the day might help me to go into labor at an appropriate hour. 
     I got into bed about 2:20pm, but proceeded to get on Instagram and Facebook and intermittently tried to sleep. I had to get up to use the bathroom a time or two and at about 2:40pm had a contraction. Once I had another I decided to time them just for the heck of it, since they seemed more intense than ones in the past week. They were about 3 1/2 minutes apart and around 45 seconds long. I decided to get up and do something different to see if that changed things. 
    When I came back to the kitchen and Jules and Sharlee were doing a watercolor painting, Jules said, "you are supposed to be resting!" I told her "I know, but it's hard to sleep" and then added, "and I've had a few contractions".  She nearly jumped, "you have?!" I stopped timing contractions about this time and just tried to relax. Over the next 30min, I went to the bathroom a couple more times. Just before 3:30 I was in the bathroom and there was a small gush of fluid. ! That had to be my water, right?! When labor is starting or even in full swing, I usually have a hard time believing it, or at least try to remain sort of unconnected for as long as I can. 
    I began to knock on the bathroom wall and call for my mom. She heard the knocking and was a little confused. Sharlee told her someone was at the door so they checked the front door and then heard me say " I am in the bathroom. Come here." They checked the hall bathroom and finally made it to my room. I told my mom that my water broke and she seemed pretty excited and asked, "well, what can I do?" I asked for my phone to call Ryan and the midwife. I actually had talked to Ryan about 10min previous and asked when he would be coming home, because "things might be happening". He told me he would be home probably in an hour. So, I called him again and he said he was just getting in his truck to come home. I told him my water broke and he said, "Sweet!" 
   Next, I called the midwife and she said she would get ready and that she would see if her assistant/another midwife could come over and check that it was amniotic fluid, since she lives closer to me. 
    The next hour was filled with my mom bustling around, pulling Soren out of his bed and getting the kids ready to go somewhere and Ryan bustling around getting the things ready that were on his "labor list".  He asked if it was ok if he showered quick and I said, "If it's the fastest dang shower of your life because you have things to do." He changed his mind and his clothes to be clean and more comfortable. 
     Megan (our assistant) showed up just before 4:30 and confirmed that it was amniotic fluid, my water did break. She looked at my contraction timing and that they weren't all about a minute long, but of course, I was timing while people were asking me different questions of where things were and what to do with the kids, etc.  She stepped out and called Heather (midwife) and then came and sat down on the couch to quietly observe//be present if I needed something. 
   My mom was trying to get the kids out the door, but Sharlee was so upset and said, "But I want to watch the baby come out!" Soon they were gone and I labored through contractions mostly on my hands and knees while Ryan was at the table eating. He and the midwife began taking turns putting pressure on my lower back through contractions.  
    I went to the bathroom and had more intense contractions and Ryan helped me. The midwife said that I sounded like things were getting more intense. I came out of the bathroom with the intention of getting back to the living room but ended up on the floor just inside my room. I knelt down and breathed low tones through contractions, swaying my head back and forth.  Labor is interesting because it is a time where I am pulled very inward. I felt as though I had two people inside me. One was the voice telling me, "this is ridiculous! Why am I here again? I know better. If I am ever pregnant again I am going to just go to the hospital and get all the things so I don't have to go through this." Then I was able to focus on my true voice and remember the things I had on my bathroom mirror. One little card says, "Meditation is positive remembering". I thought about how strong I am, how capable I am, how I have been here before, and it is the most amazing thing, I get a great prize at the end! I also leaned heavily on the strength of women, the many women who have done this, we were made for this, etc. It was an empowering moment for me. During this, Heather had come and they were taking turns sitting by me and making sure everything was prepped, there was enough warm water in the birth pool,etc. Heather asked if I wanted to get into the birth pool. I wanted to but I also wanted to put it off as long as I could, because in labor's past I felt like I spent so much time in the water, labor is long, etc. So, I started to get up but stayed down as I had another contraction or two together. She said if I was going to move, I better take this opportunity. So I got up and went to the next room and got into the birth pool.  This was around 5:30. They turned out the light so it wasn't so bright. Ryan sat in front of me and held my arms or kissed my forehead and gave me sips of water. 
   The midwives said it was 5:50 when I started pushing. My head was resting on the side of the pool and I was focused completely inward. I had my hand down and I felt Laddie's head an inch or two from coming out. I held his head as it moved downwards. Heather said, "Reach down and feel your baby's head." The best I could I said, "I already am." Ryan looked at her and said, "He's coming already???" I "shushed" him and Ryan said the midwife gave him a look that matched his feelings of, -oh, let's be quiet-. He thought I shushed him because I didn't want to hear something like that when it was still going to take a while. As I slowly breathed and he was emerging, I made sure to slow things down, trying not to tear. It was a surreal feeling to be in control. His head came out and it seemed to be one quick second before I pulled him up out of the water and put him to my chest and leaned back. Ryan looked shocked that I was holding our boy. He was born at 6:03pm
   Ryan came around behind me and we just loved on Laddie and talked to him. He was breathing great, looking around and had great cries. They put warm towels around him and in a couple minutes they helped me to get my now wet shirt and bra off to nurse him. 
    Once I birthed the placenta, we slowly got up and moved to our room to lay down on the bed. Ryan got to cut the cord and we soon had some time in the room just the three of us. We didn't know what time he had been born, but we were just both in awe together that we were already loving on our sweet little boy!
    The midwives came back in and checked on us more and got Laddie's stats, etc.  
   Ryan called my mom to let her know she could bring the kids home and that the baby was born about 2 hours previous. When they arrived Sharlee came straight to my room and was surely the happiest girl in the world! She loves this little boy! Then Ryan called his family and Sharlee told them that she had a new little brother!!
    She has reminded me quite a few times that she really wanted to watch him come out! She is now very much excited to get married someday so she can have her own babies and be the mommy that is in charge of the baby and can hold her babies whenever she wants and kiss her babies all over the face! 
    Soren was also very excited. He has had so much energy and loves kissing his brother. He does remind me, very seriously, "you are  MY mom!" He doesn't want to be forgotten!
We LOVE our children!

Approx. labor time: 3 hrs, 20min
Laddie Forest Taylor
7lbs, 4oz