Sunday, January 18, 2015

I had to write a paper for one of my classes this semester that asked me what I want to learn from The Family: A Proclamation to the World, along with some of my current understanding and feelings from it.

What I Intend to Learn
            As I began to read The Family: A Proclamation to the World again, a word that stuck out to me within the first two paragraphs was destiny. I have always thought in a way that we don’t really believe in destiny in the same way it is explained by the world. I think this is true, because although the Lord’s side will win over Satan’s fight, we still have agency. We are not going to obtain salvation and the celestial kingdom just because the Lord wants us to. As is said in the proclamation, “…family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of his children” (Family).  We cannot achieve our destiny without family. This is something that I really want to learn more about this semester, because I want to be able to share with others this very important concept. People believe that to become our best selves, we cannot have the distraction or set back of family. This is such a worldly perspective.
            I believe all of the principles in this proclamation lead back to our destiny, which is dependent on family. Naturally, a family cannot occur without a father and a mother and so it makes sense that this is where a child belongs; in a home with married mother and father. I like that it is stated that those who followed the Lord’s plan and came to Earth may “…ultimately realize their divine destiny as heirs of eternal life” (Family).
            My understanding and testimony of this proclamation seem to change as I learn and grow. So very recently I have had a new insight into one of the greatest teachings of the Lord. I hope that I may be able to have the strength and courage to do all that I am asked to do and also the things that I want to do. It is really hard to push on when you have been going in the right direction, but things don’t seem to work out. In this class and through my personal study of The Family: A Proclamation to the World, I want to be able to understand more fully God’s love so that I can help others understand it; namely my own family. It is something that I don’t understand now and may not fully comprehend in this life.
            I am very impressed with how perfectly laid out the proclamation is and how it can be used as a complete guide, alongside the scriptures, for how we should live our lives. I want to learn and practice the way that I am supposed to be as a wife and mother; working alongside my family with faith in my heart, pressing on, because I am on the Lord’s side.
            I feel as though I already have a very strong testimony of all of the principles in the proclamation, but what I want to truly gain and what is going to be very beneficial for me is to learn how I can bless others lives through the teachings of this document. This was written to the world, not to the faithful latter day saints, but to all, to know how to return to Heavenly Father. The gospel is the way to return to His fold, where we came from and we know that we all chose His plan originally. My main goal or what I want to learn is how to be an effective disciple of Christ.
            The proclamation warns those who corrupt the ways of family life and that warning won’t mean anything to them unless we, as disciples, share love and tenderness to those who need it. Christ led by example and it did not go unnoticed. I want to know how to be bold and unafraid of being noticed, for being different and for being lovingly firm. To be this and do this I need to be sure that I am doing all that I can to live all of the principles of this proclamation, because you cannot testify of that which you do not truly know.
            I want to gain a stronger devotion to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and to the simple, daily acts that I have been taught throughout my life to give me strength against the wiles of the wind. I want to be more devoted to prayer and scripture study. These are some of the most basic and important acts to strengthen testimony and relation with the Lord. The proclamation is to help us with these exact things, so that we will recognize the importance of them in helping those who we love the most.
            As I read and reread this proclamation, it brings me to one of my favorite primary songs that I learned just last year. The chorus sings, “God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be—This is how He shares His love, for the fam’ly is of God” (Neeley). This song teaches so beautifully the principles of the proclamation. Family is where we all want to be.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World. (1995). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day         Saints.
Neeley, M. (2008). The Family is of God. The Friend. 38(10). Retrieved from   

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